Infrastructure is what our quality of life depends on: speed, environmental purity and safety.
We have designed for more than 10 years complex infrastructure objects that are vital for Estonia, such as E263 Tallinn-Tartu-Võru-Luhamaa road, important sections of E20 Tallinn-Narva road, Tallinn and Tartu roundabouts, Tallinn Airport infrastructure extensions and several water and wastewater treatment objects all over Estonia.
We employ a team of engineers, who design and monitor with passion water and wastewater treatment facilities, bridges, tunnels, roads, streets and airports. We have good relationships with engineers of Nordic countries and we use their know-how also in our projects.
In road design, we use professional software solutions that make completion of projects faster. We use AutoCAD Civil 3D and NovaPoint software in infrastructure design. Model-based road design speeds up the work process and thus ensures coherence between the drawings. Automatic volume calculation reduces working time and possibility of errors.
Bridge design is an essential part of infrastructure design. In order to realise ideas, we involve foreign experts in our work and use modern software solutions, such as Autodesk Revit and Autodesk Robot.
We offer the following services: public water supply and sewerage system development plans; designs for construction/reconstruction of public water supply and sewerage system external networks etc.
We offer surveys in the field of environment and transportation. The contents of the surveys are broad and varied and depend greatly on the customer’s needs – traffic studies, road safety audits, profitability studies, noise studies.
We provide all necessary assistance and qualified employees to our clients for performing owner supervision of road maintenance works and the construction of water supply and sewage systems. We advise our clients in solving a wide variety of construction issues.