Spatial planning

Spatial planning provides for people’s right of activity in the area used on a daily basis and for developments taking place in there. The goal of each spatial planning is to find the best solution balancing trends and needs of different fields. We offer great experience in compilation of plans of different types. We advise our clients throughout the entire planning procedure starting from the consultation before the initiation of planning until the establishment of the plan. We have experience in drawing up of detailed, comprehensive, county and thematic plans. We advise and develop quality plan solutions, prepare necessary drawings and textual part. We involve special engineers into plan compilation (external networks and roads), as well as our environmental specialists in order to guarantee complex and sustainable solutions.

Our employees have an occupational qualification level 7 in environment spatial planning.


We offer consultations for preparation of detailed spatial plans, which include the planning and management of the compilation process, developing the solutions for the spatial plan and compilation of necessary analyses.


You have an idea, but do not know which would be the most appropriate location to execute it? We will help you to find the best location considering the nature of the planned activity, infrastructure needs, etc.


We offer consultations for preparation of comprehensive plans, which include the planning and management of the compilation process, developing the solutions for the spatial plan and compilation of necessary analyses.


We prepare thematic plans both for county plans, as well as for comprehensive plans. Thematic plans are generally prepared, when there is a certain need to give a spatial solution for a specific field, for example: location of infrastructure, principles of construction of residential houses, green network.


As of the 1st of July 2015, a state special plan is prepared when establishing of a structure with such a significant spatial impact, the selection of location or functioning of which attracts great national or international interest.


We offer consultations for preparation of county plans, which include the planning and management of the compilation process, developing the solutions for the spatial plan and compilation of necessary analyses.


We offer our know-how in the field of landscape architecture in designing different types of sites. We have experience in designing greeneries and animal passages, public areas and playgrounds. Landscape architecture is a field that helps to make our living environment comfortable and aesthetically enjoyable.


Visualisation of ideas, plans and projects in 2D and 3D images, as well as in videos. Visualisation gives a better overview of the planned ideas and makes it easier to imagine the nature of the matter, especially in case of 3D visualisation.