2014. EIA for the development project of traffic area of Tallinn airport. AS Tallinna Lennujaam
2013. EIA for the reconstruction of Sindi hydropoint. RAJU AS
2012. EIA for the Lubja limestone quarry, including Natura evaluation. Sokkel Ehitus OÜ
2011. EIA for the Karude IV sand quarry of Karude gravel deposits. Nordecon AS
2011. EIA for the preliminary design of reconstruction of Tallinn circuit (km 37,0 – 38,4) and Tallinn-Paldiski highway (km 24,7 – 27,2). Estonian Road Administration
2011. EIA for the application of ambient air pollution of AS TankChem. TankChem AS
2011. EIA for the technical project of reconstruction of Aegna harbour. Tallinna Kommunaalamet
2011. EIA for the overtake of Keila town. Estonian Road Administration
2010. EIA for the re-introduction of Jägala-Joa hydroelectric plant. Jägala Energy OÜ
2010. EIA for the Väo waste incineration plant. Ben Energy OÜ
2009. EIA for the preliminary design of the eastern roundabout of Tartu city. Tartu linn, Tartu vald
2009. EIA for the Nord Stream (gas pipeline of Baltic Sea) project. Ramboll Oil & Gas
2009. EIA for the preliminary design of the Rõmeda-Haljala road section of E20 Tallinn-Narva highway. Estonian Road Administration
2009. EIA for the preliminary design of the road sections Kose-Võõbu (km 40,0-68,0) and Võõbu-Mäo (km 68,0-85,0) of E263 Tallinn-Tartu-Võru-Luhamaa highway. Estonian Road Administration
2009. EIA for the technical assistance of the deepening and reconstruction of shipping lanes in the Western Estonian archipelago. Estonian Maritime Administration
2008. EIA for the preliminary design of the road section Tagadi-Rapla (km 23,9-47,5) of T-15 Tallinn-Rapla-Türi highway. Reaalprojekt OÜ
2008. EIA for the preliminary design of the road section T1 Tallinn-Narva Rõmeda-Haljala (km 78,4-90,5). Viru Teedevalitsus
2008. EIA for the preliminary design of the road section Rakvere-Sõmeru of T-5 Pärnu-Rakvere-Sõmeru highway. AS Teede Tehnokeskus