SEA for Vahtra Suurfarm extension
Tootsi Suursoo area and wind farm SEA
SEA for detailed plan of Võrusoo industrial area
  • 2014. SEA for detail plan of Võrusoo industrial area. Võru Maavalitsus
  • 2013. SEA for detail plan of expansion of Vahtra large farm. Weiss OÜ
  • 2012. SEA for preliminary design and theme plan of Tartu-Rõhu road section (km 0,0-7,2) of the main highway no 92 Tartu-Viljandi-Kilingi-Nõmme. Estonian Road Administration
  • 2012. SEA for theme plan of determination land area for Sirgala wind farm. Toila Vallavalitsus
  • 2012. Compilation of SEA programme for Tootsi Suursoo area and wind farm theme plan. Vändra Vallavalitsus
  • 2011. Eks2011. Expert assistance for compilation of SEA and prospective management plan of passenger and cargo transport across the Great Strait. Estonian Road Administration
  • 2011. SEA for Lagedi tee and Peterburi tee area detail plans and Natura evalutation of Pirita river. Tallinna Keskkonnaamet, Tallinna Linnaplaneerimise Amet
  • 2011. SEA for Comprehensive plan of Lasnamäe industrial area. Tallinna Keskkonnaamet
  • 2011. SEA for detail plan of Klooga practice area. Kaitseministeerium
  • 2010. SEA for Comprehensive plan of city district of Narva old town. Narva Linnavalitsus
  • 2010. SEA for detail plan of Tagamaa land unit (emergency power plant). Elering OÜ
  • 2010. SEA for theme plan connecting Pärnu city and surrounding networks. Pärnumaa Omavalitsuste Liit
  • 2010. SEA for detail plan of Mikle and Välja land units. Tiina Aljas
  • 2010. SEA for thematic plan “Choice of location for Aidu wind farm which has significant spatial impact, its supporting infrastructure, recreational areas and shooting range”. Maidla Vallavalitsus, Raseriks Elekter OÜ, Kindel Vara OÜ, Eesti Energia Kaevandused AS, VKG Kaevandused OÜ
  • 2009. SEA for detail plan of Lao 17 land units. Maardu Katlamaja AS
  • 2008. SEA for detail plan of Paldiski South Harbour. AS Tallinna Sadam
  • 2008. SEA for thematic plan of Tallinn street network and light traffic roads. Tallinna Keskkonnaamet